ACTION REQUESTED: Wrapping up the year, looking forward to 2019

Greetings all,
Please take this attendance survey
<> to help us determine
how to reschedule the bi-weekly EOWG alternative teleconferences in 2019.

And as we wind down 2018 let's take a minute to celebrate all we have
achieved this year, including:
- Launched the newly redesigned WAI website
- Supported the release of WCAG 2.1
- Revived the Roles and Responsibility Matrix work
- Redesigned and refreshed the Policies database
- Updated, rewrote and republished more than a dozen existing, highly
valued resources - from 'How People with Disabilities Use the Web' to the
'Business Case for Digital Accessibility.'
- Published and/or updated tools from the Accessibility Statement Generator
to to the Evaluation Tools List to the Quick Ref.

...and that's just a partial list!

There remains much to do to spread the word and improve skills around
accessibility. None of this important and useful work is possible without
the steady contributions of those like you who care. Access to digital
resources is a basic human need for most of us in today's world. Your
support for building and maintaining EOWG materials makes it easier for
designers and developers to do the right thing.

So as you head into the holidays, please know that your contributions make
a world of difference. It is our privilege and pleasure to do this work
with each of you!

Happy holidays and sincere gratitude from
Sharron, Brent, and Shawn

Received on Friday, 30 November 2018 18:12:19 UTC