[Restyle] Spec Template Redesign - Update

EOWG folks,

Below is an opportunity to contribute to redesign of the W3C "Spec Template". That applies to WCAG, ATAG, UAAG, ARIA, and other things published at www.w3.org/TR/


-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: [Restyle] Spec Template Redesign - Update
Resent-Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 06:01:45 +0000
Resent-From: chairs@w3.org
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2018 13:01:04 +0700
From: fantasai <fantasai.lists@inkedblade.net>
To: chairs@w3.org <chairs@w3.org>, spec-prod <spec-prod@w3.org>
CC: www-style@w3.org <www-style@w3.org>

As Coralie announced a fortnight ago, W3C and Jefferson University are collaborating
on a full redesign of the W3C specification templates (including boilerplate text
and markup), with a goal of completing a prototype design by May 2018. The students
are posting their updates at
with the introductory post at
and an update describing the project brief and timeline at
The students also have a brief survey open at

The scope of the project and requirements are detailed on the W3C wiki at
If there's info that belongs in the spec templates that's not listed in the wiki at
please add it in.

General comments are also welcome on the spec-prod@w3.org mailing list;
please tag them with [Restyle] as I have done here.

Since we do things here by consensus, it's going to take the participation
of all of W3C to make this project happen. Let us give these students enough
guidance to stay on the rails as they work through the problem, so that we
end up with an excellent template for us to use going forward!

So please
   a) Forward this information to your working groups
   b) Be sure to let us know any requirements that are not already documented
   c) Follow along and review their work! Comments can be left on their blog
      posts and, as aforementioned, via spec-prod.
and let me know if you have any questions.


Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2018 16:52:23 UTC