Exciting news for EOWG review: WAI Website Design Preview

 Greetings all,

James and his Task Force have been doing amazing things and are ready to
begin bringing some of them for full group consideration and comment.
Please read his message below for detail and the summary is this:

There are mockups of the proposed new visual design for the WAI site ready
for your consideration (linked below)

The plan is for you to have a look and then on Friday Alicia will walk us
through and be available for questions.  There are links in James' email to
comment in GitHub. Comments can be annotated as follows:
Suggestion level: Strong, medium, discretionary

   - Strong - this is an issue that must be addressed and discussed
   - Medium - consider this issue and address in GitHub or discussion
   - Discretionary - consider this issue and dispose of it as the designer
   wishes, no need for discussion

Feel free to begin commenting now or to wait until after your questions are
addressed at the meeting Friday. James is asking for review by EOD Monday
to be able to process by the next Wednesday Task Force meeting.  If that
presents a problem for you, they will accept comments on Tuesday but the
strong preference is to try to comment as the TF requested by EOD Monday.

I hope you agree with Brent and me that this is fine work and that we are
fortunate indeed to have Alicia's skills brought to this ambitious
project.  Thanks all, enjoy your first look and we look forward to Friday's

Sharron and Brent
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Green, James <jgreen@visa.com>

Hi Team,

Alicia presented some mockups of the new WAI redesign during our Task Force
meeting today and will be walking EO through them on Friday.  We would like
everyone take a look and provide feedback via github no later than EOD
Monday so Alicia has time to review it before our next Task Force meeting.

*1. Guidelines for Providing Feedback*

When providing feedback,

   - Please open a separate ticket per topic (so that others can comment or
   +1 / –1, we don't get (many) duplicates, and we can address issues
   - Scan open issues before you open a new one (to reduce duplicates)
   - Please *only open an issue if you feel strongly* enough about it to
   argue for it (so we can limit efforts to addressing critical issues and not
   get bogged down in "it-might-be-nice-ifs" or "visual wordsmithing").
   - Please designate how strongly you feel about the issue you post using
   [Strong] [Medium] [Discretionary] in the subject line. Here is an example
   of what that looks like:
   - If a screenshot (annotated is better) would help, please attach one.
   - Please only open an issue if you feel fairly strongly about it (this
   was repeated because it's important, we are trying to finish the project in
   the next couple months).

*2. Link to View Mockups*

Please review the current WAI redesign styles and page layouts at the
following link. Use your arrow keys to navigate through the screens.

*3. Link to Provide Feedback*

Please scan issues and *OPEN NEW ISSUES WITH THIS LINK* (that will
pre-populate the Title and Label): https://github.com/w3c

*4. Notes about mockups:*

Screen 1: Documents colors used for text with contrast rations, and colors
used for graphics only.

Screen 2: Documents font, text size, and colors for headings and body copy,
used globally throughout site.

Screen 3: Shows element styling for tables, email templates, accordion
menu, and a sample infographic.

Screen 4: Page layout for a primary navigation landing page.

·         ‘Primary Nav 1’ in the blue header can be rolled-over to show a
menu with secondary and tertiary page links. (This is a prototype for demo
purposes, does not reflect full functionality of this menu.)

·         Right sidebar shows sample components for including supporting

·         Footer is broken into two treatments – Page footer and footer
global to the site

Screen 5: Secondary page layout for a text heavy, long page. Left
navigation links help the user jump to a section on the page.

Screen 6: Secondary page for a ‘How-to Manual’ page type.

Screen 7: Secondary page layout for an article or shorter text-based page.
Includes sidebar components for a quote and related content.

Screen 8: Sample Tutorial Page layout


Sharron Rush | Executive Director | Knowbility.org | @knowbility
*Equal access to technology for people with disabilities*

Received on Wednesday, 25 January 2017 23:00:49 UTC