Big times coming up for EOWG - and no meeting tomorrow

Greetings dear EOWG colleagues,

EOWG will not meet tomorrow and we chairs ask that you spend your time to:
1. Demonstrate active participation: Complete any in-progress reviews that
you have pending - the June 23 survey
<> is
2. Get ready for the next phase of EO focus.

To that end, we ask that you begin preparing for the large scale resource
management task associated with the new WAI website. James and his Task
Force will have a draft IA for the site shortly, we are updating the EO
style guide, and we will soon begin the process of assigning small groups
to work on resources to re-publish with the site launch. A list of priority
resources previously identified is linked from Work for this Week and you
are welcome to comment on those priorities and add to them according to
your interests.

Enjoy the upcoming holiday for those of you who are celebrating it, and
have a great weekend all. Thanks a million for all you do!  It is an honor
and privilege to work with all of you.


Received on Thursday, 29 June 2017 15:48:12 UTC