EOWG survey template updated - thanks!

Hiya EOWG folks,

Thank you very much for the input today on making the surveys better for sharing information and more comfortable. The updated template is here:

For the review level and timing question, we have these answer options - checkboxes so you could do multiple answers:
* I reviewed the resource and answered the questions below.
* I skimmed the resource and answered some of the questions below.
* I would like more time, and can answer the questions below by the date in the Comment field.
* [@@ for early reviews] I'm spending my EOWG time on other work this week, and pass on commenting on this now. (I understand that comments later may be harder to address.)
* [@@ for late stage and final reviews] I will pass on commenting on this, and accept the decisions of the Group.

There is an "Other Information to Share" question that says:
Feel free to put here things such as:
*What you worked on for EOWG this week.
*What you would like EOWG folks to know.
*Information or questions for EOWG planning -- for upcoming teleconferences, future work planning, etc.

How do these address the issues? Any suggestions for changes?

~Shawn, Sharron, Brent

Received on Friday, 23 June 2017 17:08:51 UTC