- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

07 Oct 2016


EOWG convened for its weekly teleconference to hear updates on work in progress and review process for upcoming deliverables. First, chairs provided a TPAC debrief. Although EO was not able to hold a full F2F meeting due to lack of travel budgets, nevertheless chairs and some staff (Eric and Shadi) were able to meet with various individuals, TFs, and WGs to inform people of our ongoing work and plan future collaborations and support. Next was an alert that a WAI site survey would soon be opened to capture ranking from EO, WAI-IG participants, and the general public about what tasks they would expect to be able to easily accomplish on the new WAI site. Next the group considered how EOWG is operating since the introduction of the participant resource management process. Conceived as a way to keep content from getting out of date, it may be that group attention is now spread too thin. Chairs asked EO participants to provide deeper focus and more thorough feedback when resources are posted for review. For purposes of time management, if a colleague asks for thorough review and feedback, that should be the high priority for that week. Resource Manager Update for this week included these:

Discussion of face to face meeting schedule for 2017 led to decision to confirm meetings at AccessU, TPAC, and (tentatively) CSUN. Work for this Week will include responding to the Task survey and continued dedication of time to your own resources. Thanks all!


Susan, Howard, Shadi, Sharron, Laura, shawn, Caleb, Brent, Howard, Andrew, Kris_Anne
Eric, Denis, James, Sylvie, Kazuhito
Sharron, Howard


TPAC debrief

Brent: Since we were only chairs and staff - Shadi and Eric - we did not have traditional face to face meetings but instead focused on outreach to other W3C groups

<shawn> EOWG TPAC notes

Sharron: We found that the internal W3C/WAI internal outreach was needed and was fruitful. For example, several key people who did not know much about what we did and were unsupportive of EO during the last charter process had quite a bit more positive energy in our direction. We met with several groups, including COGA (Cognitive Task Force) where I think we can do some real good. COGA is working on their success criteria, trying to finish by 01 December to be included in WCAG 2.1. If you are interested and able to help COGA take the step to development of SC language from their extensive research, please step up and I can connect youto the TF. This is critical for cognitive issues to be included in the next version of WCAG.

Sharron:Otherwise, we found quite a bit of interest and some surprise in EO work and this generated support from key individuals.

Brent: I have spoken to people on our team who may be interested helping COGA, Jan and Sherri. I will make that connection in the next few days.
... and if anyone else is interested, please step up.
... on plenary day, there was an event called "The Mad Scramble" where people offered suggestions for presentations and Eric did one on the work of EO and had good response.
... any questions about TPAC?

WAI site survey

Sharron: Did we hear from Charlotte? We have about 25 tasks in a rating list and want Charlotte to review and also encourage input from anyone in EOWG on it before we send it out more widely.

Brent: The survey is not quite ready yet. Charlotte, Chris and Joy will look at it for final content review. Once it is in final form, we will release it to WAI-IG and the public.

Laura: I clicked on that link this morning, I could not select from the drop down.

Sharron: My miscommunication, survey is not yet released. Should be operable once it is open.

EOWG participation

Brent: Noticed that there are a few key things that need attention from the group.Survey participation has dropped, need to be sure to complete the survey each week. In the past we have had comprehensive survey questions created by dedicated editors. Since EO participants have taken on the work of editing, it seems people are distracted and not paying as much attention to the items in the surveys.
... Resources are often reveiwed in a cursory manner and there are no carefully considered comments. Careful reading is missing, need EO to look more deeply, carefully, and to comment in a considered way.

Brent: We only have about half the group here so I will probably bring this topic up again next week.
... important to get effective feedback for the people trying to do the work.

Sharron: You make a good point, Brent that people may be pre-occupied about the RM work that each of us is doing. Maybe that fact is spreading people too thin - working on their own RM tasks - that we miss the time that people had previously dedicated to thorough and considered review. I invite the group to think about that. Whether we need to prioritize resources differently. We're learning how to do this new process.

Shawn: How to manage your own work when we each have our own priorities but also have responsibilities for the working group...
... If you have any questions about what should be your priorities, check in with Sharron and Brent...

Brent: Any questions, concerns?

Andrew: do unto your colleagues putting up questions as you would have them do for you. Try to provide quality, useful feedback.

<shawn> +1 to Andrew! treat others request for input like you would like others to treat yours :-)

Laura: Some weeks feels like there's a lot on the plate, particularly with full time job. Also, we're working on a lot of resources at same time. Sometimes don't feel I have the background/expertise to comment on a particular issue/resource.

Shawn: That's helpful feedback. We used to try to limit how many resources we worked on at one time.

Brent: We'll be looking at the charter and making sure we're working on the things that are the priority. If you have any comments or feedback on how things might be done differently, please send an email to me or Sharron.

<shawn> email to go to chairs: <team-eowg-chairs@w3.org>

<shawn> email to go to planning teams: <team-eo-plan@w3.org>

<shawn> [ neither of these e-mails are public ]

Brent: As a recent example, Eric is tasked with completing the tutorials but has been pulled into other projects. There is a tutorial support team and Eric asked for review and comment from them. He reached out to the team with specifics on he needed from them. So far he's gotten little useful feedback and so will get back to that team and try again to get the ball rolling with them. If you're part of that team and still interested in working on it, you will hear from Eric. Let him know if you no longer have interest or time to work on tutorial team. Or if you're not on that team and would like to be, let Eric know...
... perfectly fine to tell group that won't be working on your resource for a while because you're working on - for example - the tutorials. Any other questions?

Brent: Final note: We understand that this is a new process - previously has 3 or 4 editors working on projects. Now we have a resource team. There's a bit of a learning curve in all this.

<shawn> [ and before that had other WAI staff editors, including Shawn and Andrew, and before that Judy :-]

Resource Manager Update

Brent: looks like Eric fixed the problems with the tool.

<shawn> [ /me thinks the tool break was from one of us entering data, not Eric's fault :-]

<Brent> Referencing and Linking to WAI Guidelines and Technical Documents: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/linking

Laura: Only update - made a few changes and pull requests. Been busy with new UI at LOC. But did put in a few changes. Received feedback from Eric. Haven't done much more than that.

Brent: when pull requests come in Shawn or Eric will look at it and get back to the resource manager.

Laura: my changes were independent, small changes to make it easier for folks to provide feedback.

<shawn> +1 to Laura!

Brent: Yes, that is the way to do it and a good reminder for all of us to keep pull requests focused and discrete. Don't request a lot of changes in one pull request.
... Any questions for Laura on "Referencing and Linking documents"?
... Next is Intro to Accessibility (Shawn)

<Brent> Intro to Web Accessibility: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/accessibility.php

Shawn: this would be one to work on at face to face in November. Look for requests for input a couple of weeks before face-to-face.

Brent: Working on the agenda for the face-to-face and will get that out shortly for feedback.

<Brent> Howard: Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports

Howard: Not much movement on this resource will be getting back to it soon.

Shawn: Redoing is not a high priority. This resource could be more of a two stage approach. Initial changes that are updates to links and version, then move on to other more indepth changes.

Howard: Sounds like a good approach - will work on the first stage changes.

Brent: Next is mobile accessibility (Susan)

<Brent> Mobile Accessibility

Susan: Did put up a requirements analysis. Went to the planning team to discuss.
... Scope has changed since first worked on it. Planned to focus on the intro page. But then thought that different resources addressed in the page didn't quite go together. Will be doing an updated requirement analysis. Would like to then get input from folks on building new documents.

Sharron: Have you done any coordination with Mobile Taskforce?

Susan: Did reach out to task force but mainly received a list of resources from them. She has been on their mailing lists.

<shawn> great, Susan, that you're coordinating with Mobile Accessibility TF!

Susan: And will get back with more specific changes to the task force as we progress.

Brent: next is Web Accessibility Tutorial (Eric)

<Brent> Web Accessibility Tutorials

Brent: Eric is not here today - is on a week vacation - but he is going to ramp up on tutorials when returns from vacations.
... Confirm with Eric that you are still planning to work on that group or not. But he'll be working with that group for input.

Shawn: think that Eric already sent out the email about tutorials. Posted some open issues on GitHub. If on group or not try to provide feedback/response for him ...

<Brent> Eric's initial email on Tutorial: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2016JulSep/0002.html

Shawn: so he can work on that right when he gets back from vacation.

<Brent> WCAG Overview: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag.php

Brent: next - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines overview document
... took a look at it. Will focus his attention on it the next couple of weeks so he can bring it to the team for review.
... Not much that needs to be done to it - just some links updates and other updates.
... Some related documents he will also be reviewing.

Andrew: keep in mind the coming release of WCAG 2.1.

Brent: yes, will have to look at changes brought in 2.1 and bring that to changes to the Overview document.

<Brent> Next Weeks Updates from RMs:

<Brent> Policies Relating to Web Accessibility (Mary Jo)

<Brent> Planning & Managing related resources (Shadi)

<Brent> Planning & Managing Web Accessibility

<Brent> Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs

<Brent> Developing Organizational Policies on Web Accessibility

<Brent> (Draft) Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility (Denis)

<Brent> Easy Checks - A First Review of Web Accessibility (Caleb)

<Brent> Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training (Andrew)

Face to face for EOWG for 2017

Brent: We wanted to be sure that people know the current plans in order to be able to request budget for these meetings:

AccessU - lots of people can come & Knowbility can host

<shawn> TPAC 2017 6-10 NOV Burlingame, CA, USA

Brent:TPAC and AHG will be almost the same time. Probably best to have a face to face at TPAC. Better opportunity for networking within the greater WAI groups and W3C. So, in summary: AccessU in May, TPAC in November, CSUN in February/March of 2017. Will get to the group with specific dates and then we'll vote on those meetings. Any comments or concerns about those planned f2f meetings?

Shawn: if you can only make one meeting next year, then TPAC is probably best one. Opportunity to do cross-work with other W3 groups. Probably won't be able to confirm CSUN until January.

Brent: A lot of work gets done at the F2F meetings so worth it and helpful if you can attend.

Work for This Week

... Not sure much on the work for this week. Short weekly survey.

<shawn> [ then people have time to work on Tutorials open issues and other things! ;-]

Brent: But asking resource managers to keep going forward on their work.
... Reminder, if you have changes for your resource, send to the planning group so can be prepared to bring it to the Friday meetings.

<shawn> [ and extra time today, too ;-]

Brent: We'll go ahead and end the meeting. Thanks everyone for all you do, have a nice weekend.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/10/07 13:43:32 $