[Tutorials] (Re-)Starting the work

Hi tutorials volunteers :-D

As the RM for the Tutorials, I want to get the work started and give you 
an overview of where we are and what the way forward is.

## Current status:

Published: Images, Tables, Forms
Draft: Page Structure, Menus, Carousels

I made an attempt to clarify and streamline some of the tutorials. Those 
clarifications are currently submitted to the GitHub repository as pull 
requests but need review by you :-)

## Short term goals:

The short term goal is to review the wording changes and to make 
suggestions that makes the individual pages ready for publication. This 
also includes the need to go through the relevant issues and see how 
severe they are and if we want and need to include them.

I think in the first step we should concentrate on the now-draft 
portions and only roll in content to the now-published documents if it 
is low effort or critical.

## Mid-term goals:

The mid-term goal is to update the now-published tutorial bits as well, 
and to identify new tutorials topics.

## Long-term goals:

Write more tutorials and maintain the old ones.

## Volunteers:

Different people showed interest to help with different tutorial topics 
– here is the list – but feel free to chime in on other topics as 

* Carousels: Adina, Shadi, Susan
* Forms: Denis, Howard
* Images: Denis, Howard
* Menus: Adina, Shadi, Susan
* Page Structure: Adina, Denis, Shadi, Susan
* Tables: Denis, Howard

Of course if you’re reading this and want to help, feel free to email 

## How to give feedback and do reviews?

For the first round, have a look at the open [pull requests] and provide 
feedback. I’d ideally want to have two people looking over each pull 
request, so just comment on the ones you feel confident to give feedback 
on so we all know who will look at what.

Most pull requests only contain changes for one file. There is currently 
no rendered version of the changes, but inside a pull request (for 
example [#327]) the “Files Changed” tab has a [side-by-side 
comparison] of the changes that also allows you to comment on specific 

Alternatively a [preview rendering] is available, too, which uses 
`<ins>` and `<del>` to show changes. You can find this rendering by 
clicking the sheet icon in the files changed tab.


I hope that helps to get this work started, feel free to email me with 
questions on the process or syntax or whatever comes into your mind.

Best, Eric


[pull requests]:https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pulls
[#327]: https://github.com/w3c/wai-tutorials/pull/327

(*Unfortunately this seems to be not available to keyboard users, you 
can give comments not associated with a line on the main page of the 
pull request instead.)


Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Friday, 8 July 2016 10:25:23 UTC