- Minutes -

Education and Outreach Working Group Teleconference

02 Sep 2016


The meeting began with a full round of introductions of current EOWG participants to newly joined Chris Langston from Pearson. Next the group heard the following Resource Management updates:

Next was discussion of potential face to face meeting at Accessing Higher Ground conference in Boulder Colorado. Howard confirmed that ameeting room is available for the chosen dates so those are finalized to be Monday November 14 and Tuesday November 15. Please update your availability to attend as soon as possible. Attention moved to renaming the resource currently called Short Term Web Accessibility Improvement. In seeking a title that communicated that this was an interim rather than long term suggestion, many possibilities were offered through group brainstorming and further comment in welcome on the survey and/or GitHub . Brent will update Work for this Week and there will be a new survey. Hope everyone has a great weekend, and enjoy the holiday for those in the US. Thanks!



Shawn, James, Laura, dboudreau, shadi, EricE, Andrew, Caleb, Howard, Sharron, Sylvie, Brent, Chris
Adina, Kazuhito, Sylvie, AnnaBelle
Sharron, Eric


<Sharron> Chair: Brent

<Sharron> Scribe: Sharron


Brent: Chris is from Pearson and has posted his bio on the list
... let's have a quick round of intros and then Chris will tell us about himself.

All: round of intros

<yatil> Chris introduction email: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-eo/2016JulSep/0025.html

Brent: Thanks everyone and welcome Chris

Reminder of survey reopen

Brent: many people were not able to get to the survey and so the deadline was extended
... please try to get to it by Tuesday. Now that we have Resource coming to the WG, please do try to keep up with survey response to keep things moving forward.

Resource updates

Brent: it is not always necessary to report simply becasue you are on the schedule. Feel free to pass or let us know that you have not had time to do specific work. Basically, what have you done, what do you need.

Easy Checks

<Brent> Easy Checks: https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/preliminary

Caleb: Easy Checks has been in Draft status for over a year, my goal has been to address open GitHub issues. One important issue is the WAT toolbar.
... there is disagreement about its use. There is no installer for Win10, several in the GitHub suggest to drop it which will have impact on a few of the illustrations and all of the test procedures.

<Brent> IE WAT Issue #14: https://github.com/w3c/EasyChecks/issues/14

Caleb: the tool seems deprecated somewhat and I could find no developers who use it.
... I have personally used it in the past but it seems not current. It may be endorsing Windows (not vendor neutral)
... want to do justice and hear all sides.

<dboudreau> https://twitter.com/dboudreau/status/771695305255452673

Shawn: Suggest we leave content discussions for later and just hear the update.

Brent: Yes it needs to come to the planning meeting and be added to the agenda for full discussion.

Caleb: What is the process for addressing pull requests, can I do that or do I need to ask you? Also, what is the process for deployment?
... how to publish updated drafts?

<yatil> https://w3c.github.io/EasyChecks/

Shawn: I am the editor, please check with me and I will help.

Caleb: OK that is my update and I look forward to the discussion.

Resource Management Update - WCAG Overview

<Brent> WCAG Overview: https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag.php

Brent: Did not get to too much. Have looked in more detail at the actual content after developing the plan. Shawn is helping me and we have a repository.
... will have a draft for review in a couple of weeks.

Resource management Update - Training outlines

<Brent> Developing Web Accessibility Presentations and Training: https://www.w3.org/WAI/training/Overview.html

Andrew: There is quite a lot of content, Eric has made respositories and will begin introducing my handwritten notes as GitHub issues.
... an important thing will be to introduce new EO resources and also to remove possible references to older resources. Need to make decisions about whether to retire the linked resources or update them.Some of them may be useful archival documents and not want to be updated.
... trying to clarify those issues myself before bringing them to EO for discussion.

Resource Management - Intro to Accessibility

<Brent> Intro to Web Accessibility (WAI): https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/accessibility.php

Shawn: No updates from me

Sharron: no updates from me

Resource Management Update - Template Eval

<Brent> Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports: https://www.w3.org/WAI/eval/template.html

Howard: Not much work since last time. Status has not changed, need to change scope of who it is designed for based on Shadi's input. Integration with reference to EasyChecks and EM Report tool

Chris: is it simply a matter of changing the reference from WCAG1?

Howard: It goes a bit beyond that to include the new WCAG EM Report Tool and the Easy Checks.

Brent: Question about what happens when I find bugs in the WCAG EM Report Tool?

Shadi: Add to GitHub, Wilco and I are monitoring.

Resource Management Update - Quick Start Tips

<Brent> Tips for Getting Started draft version: http://w3c.github.io/wai-quick-start/

Denis: I have continued to analyse the three unpublished categories and ending up spending more time on the analysis and have sent suggestions for different approaches.
... my plan is to continue to review the ones that are published and stabilize that content first. Expect to do that over the next two weeks.

<dboudreau> QuickTips Overview (progress in gDrive): https://drive.google.com/a/deque.com/file/d/0B-RUj-nDNI8WeDBJMjRLcWZOeUU/view?usp=sharing

Denis: for the longer term vision of what this might become I am working on a clear statement of what I intend. Will share a link to the doc we can see now.

<dboudreau> https://github.com/w3c/wai-quick-start/issues

Denis: This master document gives me an overview and as I clarify I am pushing them to GitHub.
... some are questions so do feel free to comment on GitHub
... for the longer term doc, we will need to create a new requirements document, is that not so? I reviewed the requirements doc for Quick Tips and have reached an understanding that I did not have. A struggle I have now is to determine if the other Tips I envision belong within this QT doc - there are some things that I think ar every important for beginners it is hard to stop at the limit we agreed


Shawn: I hear your struggle - I expect that if you work on your longer term vision it will make the QT more comfortable to you.

Brent: For next week we will have Planning and Managing by Shadi; Policies by Mary Jo; Eric Tutorials and UI Components; Mobile Accessiiblity by Susan

Caleb: I will post the references and if everyone can review and add feedback, it will be much appreciated.

Potential F2F at AHG

Brent: learn more about the conference and see that the dates have been confirmed on the pre-conference dates - Nov 14 and 15.

<shawn> survey results https://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35532/F2F2016/results#xAHG

Brent: Howard will confirm that we have a room and we are working diligently on assembling critical mass so if possible let us know asap to help us make the decision about locking in the meeting and working on the agenda.
... will create the full agenda and encourage input even from those who cannot attend in person. Any questions?

Howard: The rooms for the F2F are confirmed for Mon and Tues so we have a date, a location and just need to get a full count of attendees.

Short term web accessibility improvement

Brent: Lots of comment about the issue of the title...Shadi?

Shadi: The discussion has been useful. The issue with the current title "Short-Term Accessibility Improvements" not catchy, not memorable, not really descriptive of the purpose. Can we do better?
... there are no clear winners in the suggested options but we had thought about having a title / sub title. Caleb suggested First Aid in Website Accessibility: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations
... this seems a promising approach, maybe not the same exact words, but having a title that suggests Get Out of Town - first blah blah blah. A catchy intro phrase with more specifics in the subtitle.
... question to the group, how do you think about the form - a catchy intro and more descriptive subtitle?

<shawn> brainstorming... "triage"

<yatil> +1 for title with two parts

<Andrew> +1 for title/subtitle approach

+1 for title/subtitle

<dboudreau> +1 for 2 parts as well

<Brent> +1 for two parts

<Chris_Langston> +1 subtitle

<Caleb> +1

<Sylvie> +1

<Laura> +1 for two parts

<Chris_Langston> provided that total length remains short

<shawn> Sharron: it's a specific kind of document. so title that first gets attention then tells you specific focus -- probably necessary

<shawn> Triage Accessibility: ....

<dboudreau> it would be a huge change in editorial policy

Shadi: So now that people seem to agree on that approach, how to formulate the actual title...catchy to the point of humorous?

<yatil> ["First Aid", "A Band Aid for you website"]

Sharron: wanted to express strong support for First Aid with its implication of temporary. Urgency in there is good as well. I like that phrase.

<dboudreau> Nobody picked up on my suggestion for "Quick wins"...any support for that idea?

<shadi> [[First Aid in Website Accessibility: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations]]

<Howard_> +1 to First Aid - Caleb's suggestion

<yatil> [First Aid in Website Accessibility: Interim Solutions for Urgent Situations]

Andrew: The way we used First Aid in the first discussion was in a context that did not gel for me at the time. 'Interim' is in fact an exact description of what we are doing, putting a temporary solution in place until you can do the full solution.

Shadi: Still have reservations about First Aid?

Andrew: Not really any longer since we have decided to be more catchy, get people's attention rather than the more formal language we have used for the last decade and a half.

<dboudreau> we don't want to get to "click-baitey" either

<dboudreau> too*

<Chris_Langston> +1 first aid. My major worry is whether or not product mgrs would put this off until it could be done right. First Aid sounds temporary without suggesting that it is redundant work (which a PM would not pay for)

Shawn: Having a catchy first phrase, as Denis noted it is a style change, want to go in that direction but not overboard. Not 'Get Out of Town' for example. Any reaction to triage?

<Howard_> Triage a bit too complex

<dboudreau> +1 to first aid. triage is too much

Shadi: Good word but maybe not as familiar

Chris: Yes triage sounds more specifically medical to me.

<yatil> scribe:Eric

<yatil> scribenick:yatil

Shadi: Suggested new title: "First Aid in Website Accessibility: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations"
...This goes in the right direction?
... Anybody think this is not an improvement?

<Howard> +1 I like it

<Laura> +1

<dboudreau> +1 - i can live with that

<shawn> wordsmithing: First Aid in Website Accessibility -> First Aid for Website Accessibility

<Chris_Langston> it's an improvement, but it's long. That may or may not be a problem.

yatil: +1 I think it goes in the right direction.

[yatil: Is long but also has all the important words for SEO]

<Chris_Langston> actually yes, the SEO argument has sold me

[people thinking intensely]

<Andrew> +1 (nodding tentatively)

<Sylvie> +1 if no other solution, agree with Denis.

Brent: One of the issues that I have in Pearson is that when I lead people to the WAI resources, it only talks about Websites and they need Applications and are turned off by Website.

<Chris_Langston> Our mobile designers don't consider what they do to be websites

Shadi: This is a good point. We at W3C consider website and web content to include web applications. But we certainly need to think about this.

<Andrew> web accessibility is better than website accessibility

Shadi: I wonder if we say Web instead of website, if that would be better?

<Caleb> I think "web" works and also shortens the title length

<dboudreau> yeah, website accessibility is soooooo 1990

Brent: I think this would work. Web Accessibility is always better than Website Accessibility and applies to everything that is spooled out via the web.

<shadi> [[First Aid in Web Accessibility: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations]]

Shadi: So the current proposal is "First Aid in/for Web Accessibility: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations"

Shawn: I think it is better to use Web in this case. One reminder: When we went through the charter refresh, it was suggested to use the WAI IG list more, and we should consider this if we don't get to a conclusion and want additional feedback.

Chris: At this point we're not even looking at individual words but word parts. People seldom use the phrase World Wide Web anymore. So we would think about "Digital Accessibility".

<shawn> this is smoother "Web Accessibility First Aid: Temporary Repairs for Urgent Situations" though not front-loaded

<Andrew> 'web accessibility' is still commonly used (cf digital accessibility)

Shadi: I think that the content is more applying to the web/websites.

<shawn> just playing with ideas for what the document really provides --- Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Urgent Situations

<Howard_> +1 to Shawn's suggested wording

<Brent> I don't want to go too far as to alienate our accessiblity people who are truly concerned with their actual web sites.

Shadi: maybe we need to look into expanding the scope... of the document

<shawn> just playing with ideas for what the document really provides --- Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Temporary Repairs

<Caleb> +1 Shawn

<Sylvie> no opinion

<James> +1 Shawn

Shadi: So we have the suggestion above, and a suggestion from Shawn.

<Laura> I don't like temporary

Shawn: What the document provides is an approach for the repairs, and I wanted to raise that for people.

<Howard_> Don't like subtitle - would stick with "temporary"

<Andrew> Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs ;)

<shawn> +1 to Laura - I don't like "temporary"

Shadi: Some people liked temporary on the thread and we wanted to communicate the interim character.

<Chris_Langston> In PM speak, "temporary" translates to "unfundable"

<Andrew> Web Accessibility First Aid: quick fixes for serious issues

<Howard_> A+

<shadi> Intermediate?

Laura: It sounds like temporary goes away again, as you might have fixes in there that are not there for a long time.

Caleb I thought this was the intent of the resource.

Shadi: You might fix a menu for now, but if you tested it, you might come to a better, more sustainable solution. You might be lucky and have a perfect solution. In other instances you don't.

<Laura> what about immediate repairs instead of temporary repairs

<shawn> +1 for "immediate" over "temporary"

Howard: I think temporary is good, because if someone has just found out that their website is not up to date. I think it says this is a quick solution, but you need to do something later.

Shadi: Immediate doesn't sound limited, it sounds like it is immediately fixed.

Andrew: What we are trying to get across is that you have really serious issues that need to be corrected to prevent impending doom. What can I do today to prevent something that is super serious.


Shawn: If we have first aid, I don't think urgent is not too important as it is implied.

<shawn> <Andrew> Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Interim Repairs

Shawn: Andrew had this idea: ^^

<Howard_> -1

<Chris_Langston> +1 for the first bit

<Andrew> [[ Web Accessibility First Aid: tackling the urgent problems ]]

Howard: I think the urgent with the first aid really hit home for me. I think it helps to associating this with the "I'm in trouble" situation.

<Brent> +1 to Howard

Howard: Think Caleb's subtitle works well.

Andrew: Web Accessibility First Aid: tackling the urgent problems

Caleb: Like approaches, but don't like interim because it is a SAT word. I'd like to have relatively simple language. I like approaches, because it sums the content up well.

<shawn> Web Accessibility First Aid: Approaches for Fixing Serious Issues

<Brent> "addressing urgent problems"

Shadi: I wonder if it would be good to have a rating question for the titles to get a general trend.
... Maybe we can have a short list of two or three next week through voting.

Work for this Week & Weekly Survey

Brent: General reminder: Usually the Work for this week mirrors the survey, but it can also contain additional questions, like the issue 14 of the easy checks. I try to have this out by the end of the day. We also left last week's survey open, to give you another chance to contribute.

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

[End of minutes]

Minutes formatted by David Booth's scribe.perl version 1.144 (CVS log)
$Date: 2016/09/02 14:58:27 $