Re: EOWG Asia-Pacific-Pacific intro telecon Wednesday/Thursday

Hello Shawn and all,

I've just joined EOWG, so please let me introduce myself briefly.

My name is Kazuhito Kidachi, I'm president and CTO of Mitsue-Links, 
which is Tokyo-based communication design company. I'm AC Rep of the 
company, and have been enthusiastic about web accessibility for years 
(as you can guess).

On 2016/01/20 0:59, Shawn Henry wrote:
> * Time:
>       UTC: Thursday 21 January at 1:30am
>       AWST: Thursday 21 January at 9:30am
>       NA Pacific Time: Wednesday 20 January at 5:30pm

The time slot seems perfect (at least "comfortable") from Japanese 
perspective, but I can't make it tomorrow unfortunately. Sorry about 
that, I'll catch up later.


Kazuhito Kidachi
Mitsue-Links Co.,Ltd.

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2016 05:06:37 UTC