WAI Site TF Meeting June 8th, 2016

Hi all,

this is a reminder (and/or FYI) that the WAI Site TF meets tomorrow. You 
can find the [meeting information here][meeting-info]:

Next Meeting is taking place on June 8th, [4:30pm UTC][timezones] 
(11:30am Central, 12:30 East, 18:30 Europe)

WebEx Meeting
US Toll Number: +1-617-324-0000
Access code: 641 704 373
Meeting password: [Ask Eric][meetingpwd]

See [the (informal) agenda][agenda] (in no particular order):

* Review what tasks EOWG folks stepped up for in the survey that went 
out 5/27.
* AB - update on Skype with Andrew.
* Eric - update on analytics data.
* Sharron's contacts who are willing to help with design.
* Discuss personas document.  Is it in the ballpark? What to do about 
lack of response from anyone with a disability?
* Planning for June 10 EOWG call.
* Schedule next TF meeting.

Best, Eric






Eric Eggert
Web Accessibility Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) at World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2016 15:28:25 UTC