Unfortunately I was only able to make it through one planning document this
week in addition to the items I placed on the wiki. I tried to remain
within the parameters of simply word smithing the content, but there are
some areas I think should be added or reorganized. Here is a word document
with track changes. If that is a horrible way to exchange information, I'm
willing to copy and past the content in an email, or whatever anybody else
needs (as long as I am technically able to do so).
Thanks, and I'll chat with you tomorrow!
PS - I don't have keys to the building I'm going to be when I participate
in our meeting, so I might be a little late.
On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 5:59 PM, Shawn Henry <shawn@w3.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> The documents and tools are all ready for your approval to post the
> drafts. Details below.
> *Please complete the surveys asap* so if there is anything to discuss, we
> can prepare it for Friday's teleconference -- which is the last before TPAC.
> Thanks!
> ~Shawn
> On 10/14/2014 4:06 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Greetings to all EOWG participants in good standing,
>> As you know, we've been working hard on a series of documents and
>> tutorials, and we now have robust drafts of several new and revised
>> deliverables. We would like to post these drafts online before TPAC, which
>> starts 27 October.
>> Now it is *important that EOWG participants review the drafts* before we
>> post them. Please look for anything that:
>> * Could be misinterpreted negatively.
>> * Could impact the credibility of the work.
>> * Needs to be addressed before the drafts are posted on the main WAI
>> website.
>> To collect the important issues for these Drafts and to ask for EOWG's
>> approval to post the Drafts, there are three surveys/questionnaires - which
>> *all participants in good standing need to complete*. To see which
>> documents are ready for your review and for links to the surveys, see:
>> https://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/wiki/EOWG_Meetings#Work_for_this_week
>> Important notes:
>> * These will be marked "Draft" or "Beta" as we continue to work on them,
>> and we will not announce them until they are more polished.
>> * Please focus your review on important issues and put those in the
>> survey. If you also have time for wordsmithing-level review, please put any
>> non-essential comments in the usual places (Github, wiki, e-mail).
>> * The Tutorials are each being reviewed by the WCAG WG for technical
>> accuracy so you might not find any significant issues that have to be
>> addressed before posting the drafts.
>> * The Tools have been reviewed by EOWG so you might not find any
>> significant issues that have to be addressed before posting the betas.
>> * The Planning documents are the most sensitive at this point. Please
>> review these thoughtfully.
>> Thank you for this last push before TPAC!
>> (after that, we'll shift gears to a more comfortable work mode :-)
>> Best,
>> ~Shawn & Sharron