Re: EOWG actions this week

Thankfully there aren't many items specifically with my name on them.  However, the WAI-ARIA stuff I will definitely check out before next week's meeting.  Can't believe I haven't read this before, but it seems like every week there's another document I haven't seen before.

...and Sylvie, I was really hoping to get that award!  << grins >>

Paul Schantz
Director, Web and Technology Services
Division of Student Affairs
California State University, Northridge
phone: 818.677.3839
twitter: @paulschantz<>
System notifications:  @CSUN_SAIT

Input | Intellection | Responsibility | Connectedness | Individualization | Accessibility

On Feb 19, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Shawn Henry <<>> wrote:

Hi active EOWG folks,

Remember with the new action items tracking by project, go to <>
* search for your name to find specific actions
* search for "Who else:", which is highlighted in aqua, to find actions for anyone with specific interest and actions for *everyone* who is active in EOWG

There are a few things ready now and more will be tomorrow.

Talk to you on Friday.

p.s. Sylvie gets the award for the quickest to update her Availability for Upcoming EOWG Teleconferences <>


Received on Friday, 21 February 2014 05:34:34 UTC