SV: EOWG quick comment soon

I can't find the text in the doc when I follow the link <> 

Venlig hilsen

Helle Bjarnø,
Cand. Scient. Bibl.
Faglig konsulent, 
Mobil:             +45 41 73 08 02

Kontoret for bevægelseshandicap, hjælpemidler og teknologi
Landemærket 9
1119 København K
Telefon: +45 72 42 37 00

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Shawn Henry [] 
Sendt: 31. marts 2014 22:02
Til: EOWG (E-mail)
Emne: EOWG quick comment soon

Active EOWG participants,

Last week we discussed making it much more clear throughout Easy Checks that it is not definitive, etc. Minutes at: <>

We'd like to *get that in place this week*.

Please review the suggested text, location, and style at: <>

Then *all active participants comment in the wiki* at <>
Feel free to comment just "+1" or "no objection" or such.


Received on Tuesday, 1 April 2014 12:57:57 UTC