[ATAG subgroup] Reminder to meet tomorrow at 4:00 pm Pacific/6:00 pm Central/7:00 pm Eastern time

Greetings all,

Just a quick reminder that if you are involved with the ATAG outreach
sub-group, we will check in for a brief meeting tomorrow evening (or
Thursday morning for you, Andrew).  If you have the chance to review the
the draft elevator pitch, please add comments. We will also be be eager to
hear about any new contacts that anyone has made or updates to materials.

For those working on the Illustrations with AnnaBelle, that meeting starts
30 minutes earlier and will use the same call-in numbers. It is the
standard EO conference bridge:

   - +1.617.761.6200
   - Code: 3694# (EOWG#)



Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2013 01:55:42 UTC