Re: eBook project on Universal Design for the Web

How do we log in.  It looks interesting.

On 8/29/13, Howard Kramer <> wrote:
> Dear Colleagues,
> I may have mentioned on some of the calls that I'm working on an eBook to
> accompany the online class I teach on: Universal Design for Digital Media
> (btw - the focus is primarily on web design).
> The impetus for this really came out of the Continuing Ed. Department where
> I teach out of. They wanted a free book they could offer students for the
> class. Once the book is developed it can be offered to anyone for free - for
> other courses or however folks choose to use it. The plan would be to
> distribute it under a creative commons agreement. The book would eventually
> be imported into an Indesign and accessible ePub format. I've also listed it
> as a complementary project for the Universal Design grant I'm working on (I
> know I've mentioned that).
> After talking with Shawn we decided it made sense to see if anyone from EOWG
> wanted to contribute to the book. It's posted up on a wiki at
> There's content in the
> Introduction, Chapter 1, 2 & 11. You'll have to sign up and request access
> to contribute to the book. I could port this over to the EOWG wiki if the
> group decides they want to take this on as an official EOWG project (Shawn -
> correct me if I'm phrasing this incorrectly).
> Another thought that occurred to me (I haven't shared this idea yet with
> Shawn so feel free to close down this in the bud) was that many of the
> topics in the book have already been done by EOWG in the various resources
> developed by the group. We/I could import the material where it fits in the
> book. The chapters that included EOWG stuff could be credited to the group
> (and specifically the individual folks who worked on that resource). Just a
> thought.
> I look forward to your feedback and possible collaboration.
> (BTW - Accessing Higher Ground early registration ends next Friday:
> Enjoy the holiday (or at least the week off),
> -Howard

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2013 20:08:58 UTC