Re: Reminder: EOWG - WCAG-EM review reminder

Hi, I have weird internet at my motel.  So I'm sticking my EM comments here.
First, overall it is great.  I concentrated on the later parts.

Comment 1:
Conformance Evaluation Procedure: This description of the flow diagram
is independent of reference to visual components.  It describes the
functionality without dependence on geometry.
"The workflow diagram depicts each of the steps defined in this
section. Work flow starts with the first step and proceeds to the last
step in order.  In addition, the diagram permits  evaluators to return
to preceding step in the process whenever the evaluation reveals a
need to rework a sequence of steps."

Comment 2: Step 3: (3.c)-- Include Exemplars…
Note: Pages of the same type can have content that is entered by hand,
as opposed to content introduced by a program from a data store.
Thus, an exemplar may be error free, while other pages in the class
may have small errors introduced via hand content additions.
Evaluators must be careful to warn customers of this issue and should
include it in scope limitations.

This comment may go better with the section on templates


Received on Friday, 15 March 2013 04:22:51 UTC