Re: CTL + Count for Firefox and Safari


Shawn mentioned it might be safer to go under 200%, rather than above, in cases where we didn't exactly fall on 200% on some browsers. Therefore, I would suggest 6 times for Firefox and only 3 for Safari.

It's kinda disturbing however that they don't both fall under the same number of times. It makes it looks weird. :/

Do we care enough about Chrome to look for those numbers as well? After all, Chrome is used much more than Safari is...


On 2013-03-08, at 4:45 PM, Wayne Dick <> wrote:

> I am using the latest versions of both browsers:
> ctl +( 6 times )= 200% in Firefox
> ctl + (4 times) = 209% Safari
> ctl + (3 times) = 182% Safari
> I propose advising ctl + ... 6 times for Firefox
> and ctl + ... 4 times for Safari.
> Wayne

Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 22:00:01 UTC