The Advantages of Only Accepting WCAG Techniques as Evidence of WCAG Support

1.  WCAG Techniques can easily be written into contracts:  e.g.  "The
state or province of X will only accept implementation of WCAG
Techniques from the latest recommended version as evidence of meeting
WCAG".   Such contract language would thus allow for fluid changes to
the Techniques Document.  It would also protect consumes.  A vendor
who claimed to use WCAG Techniques would be liable if such claims were
not true.
2. Contract language that permits locally generated techniques will
not be enforceable.
3. Sole use of WCAG techniques would stimulate the WCAG WG to keep
Techniques up-to-date to stimulate new technologies and coding
techniques.  It might even stimulate WCAG WG to streamline their
process so that dated techniques would not be recommended beyond their
time of usefulness.
4. As is the case of all implementation procedures, contract language
could be expanded to include well regulated exceptions as follows:
"The state or  province of X will accept undocumented sufficient
techniques provided that the vender provides proof of sufficiency that
can be verified by the technical staff prior to delivery of software
or payment of the contract.  Should claims prove the to be false, the
shall be terminated with no cost to the purchaser".

The push to abridge the desire of consumers to move away from
recognized techniques seems to favor vendors is a market that already
favors vendors.


Received on Wednesday, 22 May 2013 18:24:05 UTC