Review of training topics

Review of the list of topics and trainings listed by EO  include these (with my
comments in parentheses)

1. Introducing Accessibility

(There are four topics in this category and all still seem relevant and
useful. A few updates may be needed for some of the content, but overall
quite good)

   - Introducing Web Accessibility
   - How People with Disabilities Use the Web
   - Components of Web Accessibility (sample presentation available)
   - Promoting Web Accessibility

2. Guidelines and Techniques

(Some of the topics in this category are less relevant  - Introducing and
Migrating for example.All, but especially UAAG and ATAG, need refreshed
content since they reference 1 instead of 2. Probably need to add a few
topics here, such as more about mobile and captioning. There is a mobile
unit in the "Managing" section but I think it may be relevant in the
techniques too, especially if related to design strategies like Progressive
Enhancement and responsive Design)

   - Introducing WCAG 2.0 (related presentation available)
   - Migrating to WCAG 2.0
   - Designing and Developing Accessible Websites with WCAG 2
   - Browser Accessibility and UAAG
   - Authoring Tool Accessibility and ATAG
   - Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA)

3. Managing Accessibility

(These look good, may need more focused review for content updates. I
recommend including more explicit reference to the work Denis did on the
Roles and Responsibilities.  Updates to policy and legislation to reflect
21st Century Video Act in US and new legislation in Canada and elsewhere)

        Business Case for Web Accessibility

        Improving the Accessibility of Existing Websites

        Involving Users in Web Projects

        Web Accessibility and Older People (sample presentation available)

        Accessibility and the Mobile Web

        Web Accessibility Policy and Legislation

4. Evaluating Accessibility

(It seems there is a lot to add here in terms of new tools, online
monitoring, and other advances, but not sure how to manage the vendor
neutral problem -?-)

        Quick Check for Web Accessibility

        Conformance Evaluation for Web Accessibility

Received on Friday, 10 August 2012 02:20:19 UTC