Language in wiki [was: One short question on wiki editing]

  Sylvie Duchateau wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is a way to specify language changes in the editing of the wiki, such as for example specifying that the language of a link is French?

Richard Ishida wrote:

I don't know any way to do it in wiki-markup, but you can always add a span tag like this:

** Spanish:
*** [
<span lang="es">Cómo contactar con organizaciones con sitios web inaccesibles</span>  (the main doc)]

I did it to your wiki, and the result is:

<ul><li>  <a rel="nofollow"
class="external text" href=""><span
lang="es">Cómo contactar con organizaciones con sitios web inaccesibles</span>  (the main doc)</a>


Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 15:10:28 UTC