Complete draft for review: Web Accessibility Basics

  Hi EOWG,

Suzette and I have finished our edits from last week's EOWG teleconference on the Web Accessibility Basics page at:

There are several points for review and comment marked in the document with @@
Feel free to add your comments directly in the wiki page, or send by e-mail if that's much easier for you.

My edits are listed below:

* Changed "Accessibility principles" to "Accessibility requirements" at
* Added "Key resources" subhead under there and edited the text -- it still needs work, though
* Added "{@@ review note: how can we make this section stronger? and encourage people to read the principles page? ~shawn}"

* Edited
(at the bottom of the page are previous drafts of that section: heading 2: {@@[another version for consideration] Essential components - "the big picture"} and heading 2: {@@ [a previous version] The essential components of web accessibility} )

* For intro paragraph under "Understand how people use the Web" at I added some ideas after Suzette's edit.


Received on Monday, 14 May 2012 16:04:17 UTC