RE: [EOWG] business case slides - minor edit

As I said during the F2F, I'm okay with the deck continuing to use Jobs'
photo. I don't think the "coolness" factor is diminished by the fact that he
died. And there really isn't anyone else who fills that space.

But as Denis said, I would update the legend to reflect the fact that he
passed away.

Just my two cents :-)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Shawn Henry []
> Sent: Monday, November 21, 2011 5:20 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [EOWG] business case slides - minor edit
>   On 11/21/2011 3:19 PM, Sharron Rush wrote:
> > At 02:41 PM 11/21/2011, Shawn Henry wrote:
> >> Proposal: In the business case slides speakers notes, delete "Steve
> Apple CEO, turned 55 in 2010.", and the delete the photo.
> >
> > My first reaction was that it did not need to be removed, but in
> you are right, it is a bit of a bump in the road.  How old is Bill Gates,
or does he
> just totally lose out in the "cool factor"?
> >
> We were playing on the image of Apple products being
> cool/hip/sweet/wicked/rad/whatever-the-trendy-term-is-these-days &
> young-even. I don't think Microsoft products have that image generally...
> (Gates was born 1955.)
> ~Shawn

Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 16:36:00 UTC