SV: Announcing BAD (Before and After Demonstration) as a Draft for public review

Looks very good - Great that it is ready for publishing.

Venlig hilsen/ Sincerely

Helle Bjarnø
Faglig konsulent, synshandicap / Area Consultant Visual Impairment
Direct phone +45 72 42 40 29         
Mobil:             +45 41 73 08 02

SERVICESTYRELSEN / National Board of Social Services
Videnscenter for Handicap og Socialpsykiatri / The National Resource Centre on Disability and Social Psychiatry
Landemærket 9 / Landemaerket 9
1119 København K / DK-1119 Copenhagen K
Telefon/phone: +45 72 42 41 00 & 


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: [] På vegne af Denis Boudreau
Sendt: 6. oktober 2011 06:13
Til: EOWG (E-mail)
Emne: Re: Announcing BAD (Before and After Demonstration) as a Draft for public review

Same here. Though I've yet to check everything more carefully, this seems like very good work and I'm in favor of announcing it.


On 2011-10-05, at 10:56 AM, Char James-Tanny wrote:

> I think it's great :-) I didn't check everything, but I'm impressed 
> with the visual changes (including the wording).
> Char
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: []
>> On Behalf Of Shawn Henry
>> Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2011 11:34 AM
>> To: EOWG (E-mail)
>> Subject: Announcing BAD (Before and After Demonstration) as a Draft 
>> for public review
>> Dear EOWG folks,
>> EOWG previously planned to publish the Before and After Demonstration
>> (BAD) as a Draft for public review[1]. It is at:
>> All comments have been addressed[2] and we would like to announce it 
>> now. If you have any objections to announcing BAD as a Draft, let us 
>> know *by 11 October 2011*. Or, if you need more time, let me know right away.
>> Please note that this e-mail is not asking that you approve all of 
>> the
> content
>> at this point, it just checks that there are no new objections to
> announcing
>> the Draft.
>> You can comment on it at any time, including after it is announced. 
>> If you have comments, please note:
>> 1. Clearly indicate whether each comments is:
>>   - important to be addressed _before_ this draft is announced, or
>>   - can be addressed with the next edit 2. Send comments to the
> appropriate
>> mailing list:
>>   - EOWG <> for significant issues and things that 
>> need discussion
>>   - EOWG editors <> for minor editorial comments 
>> that don't need discussion
>> Thanks,
>> Shawn Lawton Henry, EOWG Chair
>> Shadi Abou-Zahra, BAD Task Force facilitator
>> [1] 
>> [2]
>> -----
>> Shawn Lawton Henry
>> W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>> e-mail:
>> phone: +1.617.395.7664
>> about:

Received on Friday, 7 October 2011 11:59:08 UTC