a11yMTL Teaser: Michael Cooper's presentation

Good morning EO,

As discussed during the weekly teleconf this morning, here is the video from Michael's conference last week at a11yMTL: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aH2dgQ3G9vs>.

We are working at putting up a YouTube page for all conferences and this should be publicly available within the next week.

I will then share it with the WAI-IG list. In the meantime, if you have comments on the way we did this, I'm very interested in getting them, so we improve for next year. :)


Denis Boudreau, président
Coopérative AccessibilitéWeb 

1751 rue Richardson, bureau 6111 
Montréal (Qc), Canada H3K 1G6 
Téléphone : +1 877.315.5550 
Courriel : dboudreau@accessibiliteweb.com
Web : www.accessibiliteweb.com

Received on Friday, 2 September 2011 13:25:58 UTC