Re: Responding/How to Contact: title

Since we are also recommending contact with organizations that either
don't have inaccessible websites (or perhaps not even websites at all)
it might be best to avoid the first of Alan's choices and focus on the


On Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Alan Chuter <> wrote:
> Shawn Henry wrote:
>> Note especially the edits to "How to Contact Organizations about
>> Inaccessible Websites" and the questions for discussion. (for example, I'd
>> like to try again to come up with a better title.
> How about:
> * "Contacting organizations about the accessibility of their websites"
> * "Contacting organizations about website accessibility"
> To be less negative and as the document also suggests contacting those that
> **are** accessible.
> --
> Alan Chuter
> Departamento de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad
> Consultor
> Technosite - Grupo Fundosa
> Fundación ONCE
> Tfno.: 91 121 03 30
> Fax: 91 375 70 51


Received on Friday, 18 December 2009 09:26:48 UTC