EOWG: Refresh and please join f2f via teleconference

EOWG & WAI-AGE Task Force,

We are making a few updates to the documents for the EOWG face-to-face next week. The status of documents is kept up-to-date at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2009/11f2f#read

Please *refresh this page* whenever you look at it, as well as *the documents themselves*, to make sure that you are getting the latest updates.

NOTE: *If you are not attending in person*, please attend via teleconference as much as you can. (We're paying quite a bit for the phone setup.) Use the usual EOWG teleconference numbers.[1] As long as the connection is working, we'll be on the usual EOWG IRC channel[1] and will update the schedule[2] as things evolve.

See the rest of you in person soon!


[1] http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/#connnect

[2] http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/2009/11f2f#agenda

Received on Saturday, 31 October 2009 00:14:04 UTC