Re: the "badly written" wording -- Re: comments on beta accessibility page (was Re: Phrase with "from using the web" - Re: w3.beta Comments for discussion)

Hi All,

> Saying "websites that are not accessible create barriers that exclude..."
> kind of loses the point that it's bad.
> wording options:
> a. However, badly written websites and web tools create barriers that
> exclude...
> b. However, badly written websites and web tools that are not accessible
> create barriers that exclude...
> c. However, websites and web tools that are not accessible create barriers
> that exclude...
> Any other thoughts on this point?

The phrase " badly written" seem limiting. There can be more than bad
writing which can make a website not accessible.

Best Regards,

Laura L. Carlson

Received on Monday, 31 August 2009 17:32:07 UTC