Re: the "badly written" wording -- Re: comments on beta accessibility page (was Re: Phrase with "from using the web" - Re: w3.beta Comments for discussion)


Shawn Henry wrote:
> catherine wrote:
> ...
>> My only hesitation is with the "badly-written" part of the last 
>> sentence. I wonder if we really need it since we have "that are not 
>> accessible". Seems a bit redundant. Maybe just say : "However, Web 
>> sites and Web tools that are not accessible create barriers that 
>> exclude people from taking equal part." ?
> I'd like some more perspectives on this issue. I think Liam wanted to 
> specifically say that the web is designed to be accessible, and when 
> websites are done properly, they are accessible -- but when websites are 
> *badly* done, then they create barriers. (actually his suggestion: 
> "badly written web pages... re-introduce these barriers")
> Saying "websites that are not accessible create barriers that 
> exclude..." kind of loses the point that it's bad.
> wording options:
> a. However, badly written websites and web tools create barriers that 
> exclude...
> b. However, badly written websites and web tools that are not accessible 
> create barriers that exclude...
> c. However, websites and web tools that are not accessible create 
> barriers that exclude...
> Any other thoughts on this point?

Ok, seemed a bit redundant to me but I understand. Although badly 
written web tools sounds a bit strange to me. Perhaps replace badly 
written with badly designed or poorly designed ? Anyway, it is not that 
important and I do not want to hold things up on a detail such as this 
so whatever you guys decide to use will be fine.


Catherine Roy

Received on Saturday, 29 August 2009 20:07:55 UTC