RE: [Draft] Seeking websites revised to improve accessibility

Hi Shawn,
This seems good enough for me.  The low threshold of feedback can be raised or supplemented later on.  This is a good start.
Wells Fargo

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Shawn Henry
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2009 9:55 AM
To: Judy Brewer; EOWG (E-mail)
Subject: [Draft] Seeking websites revised to improve accessibility


Please comment on the draft e-mail below.

We are asking for this information because we might be able to get statistics that would help quantify before and after traffic. Of course, we would get permission before publishing any identifying information.

Is the email below sufficient? Or, do we need to explain more?
Note that we will be asking for case studies, etc. in a separate e-mail, and that one will have more details, including a pointer to the draft Resources appendix.



Dear WAI Interest Group,

The W3C WAI Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) is looking at websites that have been revised to improve accessibility. If you know of any such website, please let us know by sending email to:>
(That mailing address is _not_ publicly archived. It is viewed by participants in EOWG.)

Please include whatever relevant information you know, such as:
- Date(s) improved site was posted
- Pages that were updated
- Changes that were made

Thanks for your help in gathering this information.

~Shawn Henry, EOWG Chair

Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1.617.395.7664

Received on Monday, 10 August 2009 16:58:05 UTC