EOWG 31 August - WAI-AGE slides

Dear EOWG,

WAI-AGE slides final draft:

In anticipation of discussion on August 31, here are some issues for 

# "Older People Online" slide
Previous discussion had suggested that the criteria for ordering this 
list be 'what will influence people selling stuff to older people', 
however another criteria is the impact on older peoples' participation 
and at the same time breaking one of the stereotypes that older people 
are all retired.

# "Implications" slide
Does the re-worked slide (with the previous "older people online" slide) 
now bridge the gap between background and findings?

# "Observations" slides (2 slides)
The current criteria for ordering of these observations is based on the 
frequency of discussion in the literature, but other criteria could also 
be used, and again could help dispel some myths. One criteria might be 
to group like-observation, another might be some assessment of impact.

WAI-AGE slide Introduction page:

This page mirrors the page prepared for "Components of Web 
Accessibility" recently discussed in EOWG.

Regards, Andrew
Andrew Arch
Web Accessibility and Ageing Specialist

Received on Thursday, 30 July 2009 21:13:37 UTC