Proposal - invitation - participation - collaboration - comments please

 Dear Friends,

 The dynamic management of LOYOLA COLLGE, leading by Dr A Albert
Muthumalai S.J. Principal & Chairman, is willing to host a national
conference on
 ICTs for Education, Learning, Employability and Entrepreneurship for the
differently-abled/ under privileged communities

On Dec 01-03, 2009

       I cordially invite you to collaborate/participate/help/be with us to
conduct the same and thus help this under privileged communities to empower
themselves. Kindly write to us at the earliest.

With kindest regards,
J Jerald Inico

Prof J. Jerald Inico M. Sc, M. Phil, MCP, MCSI, (Phd)
Staff coordinator, Resource Center for Differently abled ( RCDA),
Student Branch Councilor, LOYOLA COLLEGE - Computer Society of India,
Lecturer, Department of Computer Science,

My profile:

Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2009 13:09:38 UTC