Re: EOWG, For Review: Overview of "How People with Disabilities Use the Web"

William Loughborough escribió:
> I think we should keep our eye on the donut here and focus on getting this
> document published, more than "fixed" - it ain't really broke.
> When considering more bloat-increasing inclusions, we should keep the title
> in mind and confine ourselves to "How People With Disabilities Use the Web."
> WAI-ARIA and guides to accessible features of the built environment simply
> don't make the cut in my opinion.

You're right about getting it finished soon. Once that's done it would 
be the appropriate time to produce an updated version. But then I was 
going beyond the scope of the Overview; we weren't asked to comment on 
the main document, so my comment should be held over for later. But I 
think it is true that the reasons people use the Web have changed since 
the document was written.


> More than "features", we need to work on getting visibility for the
> document.
> Love.
> On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 12:50 AM, Alan Chuter <> wrote:
>> The next draft should be updated to include Ajax and WAI-ARIA, and the rise
> of social networking sites, mobile access, etc. Also online guides to
> physical (wheelchair) access and other accessibility features of places
> (like restaurants, cinemas, beaches, public transport) have become more
> common.

Alan Chuter
Departamento de Usabilidad y Accesibilidad
Technosite - Grupo Fundosa
Fundación ONCE
Tfno.: 91 121 03 30
Fax: 91 375 70 51

Received on Thursday, 2 April 2009 11:27:09 UTC