RE: "commercial" for an important event

Hello William,
do you know if anything like that is ever organized in Europe? Agenda of
CalWAC seems to be pretty good.


[] On Behalf Of ext William Loughborough
	Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2008 6:12 PM
	Subject: "commercial" for an important event

	Please forward this to everyone who might be a prospective


	CalWAC 4, January 12 - 14th 2009, Registration is Open!

	The fourth annual CalWAC offers 3 days and more than 30
accessibility courses addressing three tracks: Administrative,
Technical, and Educators & Writers. 


	Register by 12/12/2008 and get the Early Bird Discount!

	$200 Scholarship for first 100 CSU Staff, Faculty and Students
(Sponsored by the CSU Chancellor's Office.)

	10% Discount for returning  CalWAC attendees who are not CSU
community members.

	Early Bird Rates - by 12/12/2008
	One day: $275 
	Both days: $450 
	Post conference Jan 14th:  Choose one - CSS Intensive OR
Accessible AJAX session: $425 
	3-day Package - 2 days of CalWAC classes and full-day
post-conference session: $750 

	Regular Rates - after 12/12/2008
	One day: $350
	Both days: $525 
	Post conference Jan 14th:  Choose one - CSS Intensive OR
Accessible AJAX session: $425 
	3-day Package - 2 days of CalWAC classes and full-day
post-conference session: $825 

	CSU students, faculty and staff receive a $200 discount
(sponsored by the Chancellor's Office)
	10% Discount for returning non-CSU staff, faculty or students.

	Sponsorship & Marketing Opportunities

	CalWAC is made possible by the generous support of our sponsors.
We are grateful to past sponsors, Ability Magazine, Adobe, Mozilla,
Texthelp Systems Inc. and California State University Long Beach for
helping make the Web more accessible to people with disabilities. 

	Please consider becoming a CalWAC sponsor. As a sponsor, you
gain valuable opportunities to market your products to Web professionals
in education, government and the private sector from around the country.
There are several sponsorship packages, ranging from $1,000 to $15,000.
In addition to the conference benefits you receive, as a sponsor you'll
be making a great contribution to the cause of universal Web

	For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact
Annie Hudson at or 512.305.0310. 

Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2008 20:18:35 UTC