Greetings from Lisa

Greetings to the EOWG,

I am glad to be joining you. By way of introduction, here's a bit about me:

As an accessibility analyst, I work with software testers to identify and prioritize accessibility issues, with development teams to address issues found, and with sales to complete accessibility conformance statements (Section 508 VPATs). I also authored the Institute's Accessibility Whitepaper (available

Complementary to my work, I volunteer with the Society for Technical Communications special interest group focusing on accessibility, the AccessAbility SIG, serving as its co-manager for two years. (See  and I have also volunteered with the Accessibility Taskforce of the North Carolina Coalition to End Domestic Violence. I regularly speak to groups on accessibility, hoping to educate others on the legal and moral imperative to provide accessible electronic and information technology.

On a personal note, I live in North Carolina with a husband, 10 year old daughter, and two German Shepherd Dogs. We enjoy camping, hiking, and horseback riding - pretty much anything outside.



Lisa Pappas
accessibility analyst
SAS Institute, Inc.
Cary, NC  USA

Received on Friday, 16 November 2007 14:07:09 UTC