EOWG: Action items and materials for review

EOWG participants,

Here is an update on the WCAG 2.0 Presentation for your review and action.

* Please review a new page "[Draft] WCAG 2.0 Presentation Directive Overview" at:

* The most recent version of the presentation is dated 25 August (on the second slide) and is available in two different formats:
- http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/wcag20pres/wcag20intro.ppt in presentation format
- http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/Drafts/wcag20pres/wcag2intro.doc in word processing format 

I've incorporated all the changes from Friday's teleconference and filled in the one remaining topic. It is now complete. The only thing I haven't yet done is take a pass through the whole thing to edit it for focus and length.

I welcome your comments at any level -- sooner rather than later is much better.

(Reminder, the requirements/analysis is at: http://www.w3.org/WAI/EO/changelogs/cl-wcag20pres )

Next item: Call for volunteers to take on the following action items:

1. Confirm that everything meets the WCAG 2.0 Working Draft success criteria (SC) for colour contrast. I think we want the primary text to meet the Level AA SC, and the "grayed out" text to meet AAA SC.

2. Check the issues and parameters for using photos from “clipart” through Microsoft PowerPoint. These are the photos on slides 36 & 37. Perhaps start here: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/clipart/default.aspx ]

Please send an email to the EOWG mailing list if you accept one or both of these action items, to be completed within a week or two.

Finally, a reminder: Please use descriptive subjects for email. If you reply to this email, please change (or at least add to the beginning of) the subject line. If you are volunteering for an action item, put that in the subject. If you are commenting on a document, put the document title in the subject line.



Received on Sunday, 26 August 2007 03:02:49 UTC