Re: Adobe Reader 8 Accessibility Features

Adobe has been truly cooperative.  At CSUN, I attended a session in that 
announced a PDF to Daisy conversion package.  Many of us were dancing in 
out chairs.  It was very exciting.


Harvey Bingham wrote:
> Though Acrobat Standard provides some functionality for making 
> existing PDFs accessible, you must use Acrobat Professional or Acrobat 
> 3D to perform certain tasks­such as editing reading order or editing 
> document structure tags­that may be necessary to make some PDF 
> documents and forms accessible.
> For extensive information about creating accessible PDFs and using 
> accessibility features to read PDFs, visit the 
> <>accessibility page of the Adobe 
> website.
> Interesting, But I find no  claim to what might conform to./Harvey

Received on Monday, 9 April 2007 02:09:54 UTC