Re: Regrets - EOWG: Revised Agenda for 20 October 2006 Teleconference

We have a Computer Science Advisory 
Board Meeting and I must get in early 
to prepare.


On Wed, 18 Oct 2006 11:37:22 -0500
  Shawn Henry <> wrote:
> Dear EOWG Participants:
> An agenda and calling logistics for 
>our 20 October 2006 teleconference 
> Time:    8:30am - 10:30am U.S. 
>Eastern Time. For other time zones 
> Bridge:  +1.617.761.6200, code: 
>EOWG# (3694#)
> IRC:     Channel: #eo, server: 
>, port: 6665
> Scribe:  See 
> Agenda:
> 1. WAI Flyer
> - Brief review of final version of 
>front page content, to be updated 
>before the meeting at:
> - Note e-mail with background:
> 2. Transitioning Web Sites from WCAG 
>1.0 to WCAG 2.0
> - Reminder of Requirements Analysis 
>for Suite:
> - High-level review of [Rough 
>Concept Draft] Transitioning Web 
>Sites from WCAG 1.0 to WCAG 2.0:
> (Please avoid commenting on the 
>wording-level or copyediting of the 
>rough concept draft.)
> 3. EOWG face-to-face meeting, 22 & 
>23 January 2007, Boston area
> - Overview of attendance survey 
> Regards,
> ~ Shawn & Judy
> ===
> IRC reminders and tips:
> - IRC is supplemental to the call. 
>Some participants do not have IRC. 
>All substantive comments should be 
>said verbally in the call (not just 
>in IRC).
> - to type a side comment that will 
>_not_ get recorded in the minutes, 
>type /me comment - e.g.:
> /me hopes everyone had pleasant 
> will come out:
> *shawn hopes everyone had pleasant 
> Teleconference information:
> - Managing IRC for EOWG meeting 
> - W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge: 
> - Zakim IRC Bot: 
> - A source for help with IRC 
>(Internet Relay Chat): 
> * Upcoming EOWG teleconference 
> ###

Wayne Dick PhD
Chair Computer Engineering and 
Computer Science, CSU, Long Beach
Coordinator of Academic Technology 
Accessibility, CSU System

Received on Wednesday, 18 October 2006 16:49:10 UTC