Re: [DRAFT for Rapid Review] EOWG Comments on WCAG 2.0 "About Baseline" info page

On Fri, 5 May 2006, Judy Brewer wrote:

> 4. Add a prominent link from the introduction of the baseline section to
> the conformance section of WCAG 2.0, and remove redundant info about
> conformance from the baseline document itself. (Note that, for now, we are
> not recommending the removal of information about baseline from the
> conformance section of WCAG 2.0.)

I guess the sentence in parentheses above reflects that the EOWG
discussion on this is still ongoing - hence the "for now".  My
own tuppence worth, even at this stage, is to suggest that the
conformance section of WCAG 2.0 should best limit itself to
normative requirements; and the advisory/informative stuff should
be delegated, as far as possible, to the "About baselines"
document. This would specifically include most of "Who
sets baselines?" (as already suggested by Alan, I think).

But as I say, this is ongoing discussion, so I am happy to see
all the comments passed on immediately, per Judy's current draft.

Best - Barry.

Received on Monday, 8 May 2006 15:15:47 UTC