Why do we?

Then there's Harriet McBryde Johnson: "...I feel a shared sense of 
possibility, a drive for a world that will embrace both the fit and the 
unfit and hold them so dear that the categories die."

When we join in categorization we must beware of the need to perform it.

She was talking at a recent holocaust museum exhibit that displays the 
use of PWD to design/test/"perfect" the means used in a continuing genocide.

Although the exclusion we confront doesn't as often lead to 
extermination, as did that of genocide preparation or eugenics to purify 
the gene pool, what we hope to do is shine a light on how this shining 
achievement, the Web, is made usable by everyone.

Let's continue to "hold our clients dear" and murder their exclusion.


Received on Sunday, 23 April 2006 22:28:41 UTC