questions for EOWG: Agenda for 14 October 2005 Teleconference

> 2. Involving Users in Web Accessibility Evaluation
> A revised version will be available before the teleconference at:
> *
> See the changelog for requirements and detailed revision notes at:
> *

Please see the issues list that we will discuss during the teleconference, under "For EOWG discussion" at:

That list provides more details on:
* content changes since the last version, including: took out "comprehensive evaluation" and changed:
	- Introduction, 4th paragraph
	- Optimizing User Involvement section, second paragraph & bullets underneath it
* heading "Optimizing User Involvement"
* clarifying benefit of involving PWDs
* minor formatting 
* and others...

Also note that we are again hoping that this is the last review needed of this document before EOWG sign off for the first version.


Received on Friday, 14 October 2005 02:38:32 UTC