- From: Harvey Bingham <hbingham@acm.org>
- Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 11:06:49 -0400
- To: "wai-eo" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
I have registered, and look forward to attending again. I strongly recommend this conference -- Most impressive last year. That's where I was identified as the "septuagenarian aberration!" -- Harvey Bingham Here is information about a great conference at Bentley College about design for senior citizens. I went last year and have registered to go again this year. Early registration ends September 1, so be sure to sign up now! DETAILS: Subject: Aging by Design Conference in Waltham Aging by Design October 17-18, 2005 Bentley College, Waltham MA NOTE: Early registration ends on September 1 Register by September 1 and pay only $360. AGING BY DESIGN will explore how technology products and services can better meet the needs of older adults, as well as the opportunities that this demographic represents for those in business and product design. SPEAKERS represent leading organizations in academia, business, government and design such as MIT, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Pew Internet and American Life Project, AARP, Cardiff University, Fidelity Investments, IBM, Social Security Administration, Deloitte & Touche, IDEO and more. Speakers will share their research and experiences in areas that include aging and design, market research, design case studies, and business opportunities. REGISTRATION FEE: $450; students $199 (includes meals). CONTACT: Please e-mail agingbydesign@bentley.edu for more information. An agenda and registration information are available online at www.bentley.edu/events/agingbydesign2005. Best Regards/Harvey Bingham http://www.hbingham.com
Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2005 15:07:12 UTC