How to Change Text Size or Colors [was: updated documents for review]


Thanks for the review and comments! - appreciate a fresh perspective on it. Replies below...

>>3. How to Change Text Size or Colors

>  View >
>  Page Style >
>  Basic Page Style
> Should read...
>  View >
>  Page Style >
>  No Style


> Some users prefer smaller text sizes (e.g. due to restricted visual
> field)... suggest providing keyboard shortcuts for *decrease* as well as
> increase.

We discussed this in EOWG (before your time, I think:), and decided to keep it simple and just put the instructions for the more common increase, rather than complicating it with also the instructions to decrease. The page currently says, "Most Web browsers include functionality to let you increase or *decrease* the text in a Web page. For example, to increase text size:"

Does that make sense? Or, do you have an idea on how to also present the details about decreasing without increasing the complexity of the page?

> TO CHANGE TEXT SIZE Windows Shortcuts - Internet Explorer and Firefox
> Can change text size using CTRL + Mousewheel
> In Firefox, CTRL+0 returns to original text-size.

We were trying for a minimalist approach, rather than a comprehensive coverage. Given that, do you think we should add this information or not? If so, can you provide some thoughts on why to include these instructions -- that is, why these instructions are worth increasing the complexity of the page a bit? (And also specifically how you suggest incorporating them in the page.)

~ Shawn

p.s. I think we didn't do an analysis/requirements doc for these pages which would have noted the minimal approach. If you'd like to find the minutes from EOWG discussions, you can start by searching the list archives ( for the agendas, and then the minutes ( for those meetings. :/

Received on Friday, 12 August 2005 03:20:23 UTC