Re: WAI materials for aging/ageing population

Alan hit the nail on the head (a North 
Americanism meaning "exactly correct") in stating 
that "... elderly people are often reluctant to 
consider themselves disabled."  I have vague 
memories of meetings with Canadian government or 
university folks where this topic was key.  I 
know that strategies have been considered (and 
implemented) in many areas but at the moment I 
can't put my finger on any of them (as this has 
not been my primary area of concern).  If I can 
find any relevant information I will post to the list.

Chuck Letourneau
Starling Access Services

At 29/07/05 04:44, Alan Chuter wrote:

>I've searched (using the new search page) for the worsd "elderly", "aging"
>and "ageing" and haven't found very much.
>The draft "How People with Disabilities Use the Web" describes a retired
>person using the Web
>"Auxiliary Benefits of Accessible Web Design" says "The population in many
>countries is also ageing, and with older age the incidence of disabilties
>increases." although this is in the section "Demonstrate Social
>Responsibility" rather than "Increase Market Share and Audience Reach" and
>it doesn't actually present the business case. BTW, the level 1 heading of
>this document doesn't match the title.
>Otherwise there isn't much about the elderly population. It would be
>usefult to explain the relationship between ageing and disability, and
>that elderly people are often reluctant to consider themselves disabled.
>Training needs to take into account that elderly people may find it
>difficult to adapt to new technology and access modes than the young.
>A colleague mentioned to me the increasing use of telemedicine
>applications (or at least research into them). These include remote
>diagnosis and online health information. Some places in Spain have started
>trials of online prescriptions for medication. These aren't specific to
>the elderly, but these people are the primary "market".
>best regards,
>Alan Chuter
>Fundosa Teleservicios
>Tel. +34 91 1210335
>En Thu, 28 Jul 2005 14:56:25 -0400, Judy Brewer <> escribió:
>>Calling logistics and an agenda for our 29 July 2005 teleconference
>>Time:     8:30am - 10:30am U.S. Eastern time; for other time zones see:
>>Bridge:   +1.617.761.6200, code: EOWG# (3694#)
>>IRC:       channel: #eo, server:, port: 6665
>>1. Outreach updates (brief)
>>- please send to EOWG mailing list in advance, noting any trends or
>>issues for EOWG discussion
>>2. Face-to-face meeting possibilities
>>- zeroing in upcoming possibilities (look on list before teleconference
>>for possible survey form)
>>3. Update on Eval Suite Task Force and call for participants
>>- brief update from last meeting
>>- reminder of call for participants in Evaluation Task Suite
>>- draft work statement (edits will be available):
>>- draft requirements (edits will be available):
>>4. Feedback on a few items for the redesigned site:
>>- Feedback on draft page describing RSS feeds available from WAI
>>- Feedback on updated version of "Introduction to Accessibility"
>>          (look on list before meeting)
>>5. How we address aging & disability in WAI materials
>>* How can we increase the relevance of and promotion of our materials to
>>the aging community?
>>* To what extent do our current educational materials clearly address
>>the needs of seniors/elders?
>>* What kinds of internationally appropriate terminology works best?
>>* Are there specific existing materials that we need to revise, and/or
>>new materials that we should consider developing?
>>~ Shawn & Judy
>>IRC reminders and tips:
>>* IRC is supplemental to the call. Some participants do not have IRC.
>>All substantive comments should be said verbally in the call (not just
>>in IRC).
>>* to type a side comment that will _not_ get recorded in the minutes,
>>type /me comment - e.g.:
>>/me hopes Andrew had a good biking trip
>>- will come out:     *shawn hopes Andrew had a good biking trip
>>Teleconference information:
>>- Managing IRC for EOWG meeting minutes:
>>- W3C Zakim Teleconference Bridge:
>>- Zakim IRC Bot:
>>- A source for help with IRC (Internet Relay Chat):
>>- Upcoming EOWG teleconference schedule:

Received on Friday, 29 July 2005 10:35:06 UTC