Selecting Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools: comments on the new version

Hi Folks,

Here are some very first coments:

- Execute automated accessibility checks to determine the accessibility of
the Web content; 

The remaining part of the document is clear about automated checks and
potential errors, but this sentence can be misunderstood if read out of
My proposed wording: "Execute some automated accessibility checks to help
and determine some accessibility problems of the Web content"

- How Evaluation Tools Can Not Help You: I do like this section

- 2. Types of Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools
If we want to make a division and classify the various kinds of evaluation
tools, we should decide a criteron: do we want to "sort" them by interface
or by output results? It seems to me that the actual classification is based
on too many criteria at the same time, so it risks to be confusing, because
- for example - the generation of output reports has completely nothing to
do with wizard interface. In my opinion any division should be done so that
an evaluation tool belonging to one section doesn't belong to one or more
other sections too.

- 3. Evaluating Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools > Automation
"Both the detection and the repair of accessibility barriers should be
automatable to the highest degree possible" 
My proposed wording: "Both the detection and the repair of automatable
checkpoints should be automatable to the highest degree possible."

My best regards,

Roberto Castaldo
WebAccessibile.Org Coordinator
IWA/HWG Member

Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 13:07:00 UTC