R:Quick Tips Form

Hi Shawn, hi all,
here's the form after your suggestions.

I tried with "submit" button without fieldset, but W3C Validator didn't
validate without it. I think it's because document is XHTML 1.0 strict. In
fact, if I change DTD in XHTML 1.0 transitional, W3C Validator validates
also without fieldset.

It's very difficult to align the text box. If I use "float: right" for text
input, IE became crazy (it doesn't like float declaration), even if with all
other browsers it goes right.
I think that if we use a three column layout for the new WAI site, maybe the
way I put text box can permit to insert the form in the central column.

Then, I put a black border around fieldset and made bold the button legend.
I also put color black to the legend because in a IE6 version they were
blue; I really don't know why.

I tested it on all Mac browsers, Firefox 1.0 and IE6 for Win, and also with
a 800x600 monitor resolution. With CSS disabled it looks nice.



Received on Wednesday, 5 January 2005 23:02:41 UTC