Re: Please review and sign off on Standards Harmonization resource page

Hello Judy,
The doc is Okay, but recommend the following changes:
1. "_recreation_ of Web accessibility guidelines":
I suppose you  mean re-creation or re-definition of Web accessibility guidelines. Right?
But the most common interpretation attributed to recreation is amusement, entertainment etc. even dictionaries list these first . Perhaps you might like to use the term "redefining".
2. The h3 levels   under Consequences:
The heading "Organizations" is not  really clear- to me until  I read a line or two following it. The other headings are more suggestive of the content that follows.
I suggest a slight change:
Consequences ... is h2.; The h3 ones should be:
On Web Developers
On development of  Authoring Tools
On development of Evaluation Tools 
On Organizations
On development of  Browsers, Media Players, Assistive Technologies
On Information Repositories
Minor edits:
1. Spelling of browsers in "UAAG 1.0 describes how browers and"
2. "Different types of modifications, or fragmentation, of Web accessibility guidelines can have different impacts on Web accessibility efforts."
Will  "impact" (without the s   be ok instead?
Sailesh Panchang
Senior Accessibility Engineer 
Deque Systems,11180  Sunrise Valley Drive, 
4th Floor, Reston VA 20191
Tel: 703-225-0380 Extension 105 
Fax: 703-225-0387
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Received on Monday, 17 May 2004 10:26:40 UTC