- From: Roberto Castaldo <r.castaldo@iol.it>
- Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 10:11:00 +0200
- To: "'EOWG'" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
Hi group, as I told some days ago, I've been in Padua (Webbit 2004 http://www.webb.it the most important italian web related exhibition) where IWA/HWG Italy has had a large stand and hold 39 conferences, 15 of them concerning Web accessibility. I've had two conferences: 1 - "Teaching Web Accessibility"; I spoke about creating didactic paths and how to biuld up a good course concerning accessibility; I widely based my speech on the WAI resources, with particular focus on "Curriculum on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines" and "Planning Web Accessibility Training", and on the great job we're making in the E&O working group. 2 - "Web Standards for the enterprises"; I spoke about all benefits an enterprise can count on by adopting W3C standards in creating and managing theis web sites. My best regards, Roberto Castaldo ----------------------------------- Coordinatore www.Webaccessibile.Org W3C WAI WCAG ed E&O WGs Member rcastaldo@webaccessibile.org Cell 348 3700161 Icq 178709294 -----------------------------------
Received on Wednesday, 12 May 2004 04:11:49 UTC