Outreach update from Denmark

Yesterday the Danish Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation launched
the new Action Plan on IT and Telecommunication for people with
disabilities, "Impairment - no problem" (Handicap ingen hindring) The action
plan includes launching of 4 major activities:
5 million DKR to support projects and development of special hardware and
software to improve IT and Telecommunication services.
4 million DKR to establish a competency centre "IT for all" (IT for alle)
under the ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation with special focus
on accessibility and digital  public administration.
2 million DKR to improve the work of the Danish Centre on Accessibility
related to Internet and accessibility and new IT related to the goals in the
Action Plan
Improvements in the services provided by the Telecommunication sector to
assure that people with disabilities have the same possibilities to use the
new services, made possible by developments in IT e.g. Video Telephony.

The URL to the Danish version of the Action Plan:
http://www.vtu.dk/fsk/publ/2002/handicap   (I hope it works!)

Handicap ingen hindring.  Handlingsplan for handicappedes it- og telebrug
2002. Ministeriet for Videnskab Teknologi og Udvikling, 2002 
 My translation: Impairment - No Problem.  Action plan for people with
disabilities use of IT and telecommunication 2002, by the Ministry of
Science, Technology and Innovation, 2002

Allan, Judy:
The last part incl. the URL can be used on the Danish Policy page!

Med venlig hilsen
Helle Bjarnø
Videncenter for Synshandicap
Rymarksvej 1, DK-2900 Hellerup, Danmark
Direkte: +45 39 46 01 04
tlf: +45 39 46 01 01
fax: +45 39 61 94  14
e-post: hbj@visinfo.dk

Received on Friday, 17 January 2003 07:26:59 UTC