- From: Shawn Lawton Henry <shawn@uiaccess.com>
- Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 08:23:56 -0500
- To: "EOWG \(E-mail\)" <w3c-wai-eo@w3.org>
At Usability Professionals' Association conference in July I presented "Understanding and Evaluating Accessibility: Improving Usability for More People in More Situations", a full-day tutorial/workshop (http://www.upassoc.org/new/conferences/2002/program/tutorials/tut_15.ph p), and a presentation titled "Another -ability: Accessibility Primer for Usability Specialists". I attended the 4 other web accessibility presentations (listed at http://www.upassoc.org/new/conferences/2002/program/presentations/pres_i ndex.php)! OBSERVATION: While accessibility issues are still not getting addressed early in most projects, there is an increase in interest among usability practioners in how to conduct usability testing with participants with disabilities. --- At "Designing for Usability, Flexibility & Accessibility" course (http://trace.wisc.edu/dufa/index.htm) at Trace R&D Center in July we spent a little over an hour demonstrating web accessibility issues in an experience session and "lecturing" during plenary time. --- The web application accessibility workshops that I sent to the list a few weeks ago have all been cancelled due to lack of registration. (details at http://www.uiaccess.com/iir2002.html) I am very curious WHY? poor marketing? too costly (especially compared the free and inexpensive online web access training that is available)? bad timing? --- The program for "Web Design that Works for Everyone " conference on 18-19 October at Rhode Island School of Design is now available at http://www.adaptenv.org/webconference/index.php. Judy is on for "International Perspective" on Friday, and I'm doing "Section 508 and Beyond: Web Accessibility for More People, More Situations" (http://www.adaptenv.org/webconference/saturday.php#508), a one-day workshop on Saturday. {It HAD to have 508 in the title - that was not my choice - I added the "and beyond" parts!) --- All for now. - Shawn Shawn Lawton Henry e-mail: Shawn@UIAccess.com phone: 608.243.1089 about: www.uiaccess.com/profile.html
Received on Friday, 2 August 2002 09:24:51 UTC