mencap and accessibility, inclusion europe and an accessible drop down list, and a short book list

a number of people present at the f2f asked for a link to the mencap
resources on accessibility, inclusion europe and an accessible drop down

geert freyhoff is the director at

a good example of an accessible drop down list is linked from here:

a few mencap resources are linked from here:

these include:
'Am I making myself clear?': information about making your communications
more accessible for people with a learning disability (this document is a
'Making your website accessible for people with a learning disability':
guidelines for web designer (this document is in Rich Text Format)
'Accessing the Web': a Mencap and Nokia report on website accessibility for
people with a learning disability (this document is in Rich Text Format)
'Using the Internet': a guide on how to use the internet which is accessible
to people with a learning disability (this is a PDF document)

my small library on special needs and the web also includes:

unlocking potential sally mckeown
ict changing education chris abbott
internet for all david baines and richard walter
symbols now chris abbott
making the web special chris abbott
making communication special chris abbott
valuing people UK white paper
enabling technology for inclusion  blamires

I believe all of this is and more is available from, perhaps more is the problem?

jonathan chetwynd         "The first and still the best picture directory
on the web" "Our guide to helping people with a
learning difficulty get the most from the web"

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 16:30:35 UTC